Session Work

If you’d like a harmonica line added to your recording, email me an mp3 or wav track, or a link, with an outline of what you have in mind. We can then discuss your time frame and agree a recording fee. I can work out the harp arrangement and send back a couple of passes independently, before sending my final take.

I’m also happy to join you in a studio for a full recording session, but bear in mind we’d need to add travel and subsistence expenses to the fee. Here are a few soundbites of my previous recordings…

BBC1 TV : ‘Only Child’ series / Episode 1 – Full Intro Sequence

BBC1 TV : ‘Only Child’ series / Episode 6 – Station Sequence at 20:00 mins

Folk & Country

Blues Rock

Pub Rock

Indie Blues 

Jazzy Blues & Chromatic Harmonica

Swamp Blues / Atmospheric

Slow Blues

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