Country Harping With The Rolling Stones – Sweet Virginia [..with tab]
Wadin’ through the waste stormy winter
All these years on, and old big lips and the band are up on stage delivering their special brand of rock’n’roll. And I still like it!
We got a call from our good friend Gordon Russell this week, asking if Harp Surgery had a student who could add the harp line to something one of his protégés was performing locally. ‘What’s the song?’ the Good Doctor asked. ‘Sweet Virginia in A, by the Stones’, replied the ex-Doctor Feelgood axe-meister.
‘No sweat me old mucker, we’ve got just the person.’ Cue Harp Surgery’s junior player of the year 2011 and 2012, Josh Cooper, age 10. Josh and the Doc duly put their heads together and this is what happened.. (more…)